Welcome! I'm a graduate student majoring in computer science in Peking University, with expected completion date in the summer of 2015.
For the past years, I have gained solid grounding in computer science. My former research area was the architecture of Linux and Android kernel, especially in virtualization. Currently, I am working on usage pattern analysis and Android power management. My academic career would continue getting a master degree of computer architecture in Mobile Lab, Institute of Network Computing and Information Systems (NC&IS), Peking University.
In my leisure time, I would like to carry on outdoor sports, like cycling, basketball, and tennis. I also have the ability or experience of graphic design, activity orginization and volunteer.
Work on "A Memory Resource Prediction Method Based on Machine Learning" with the support of "Peking University Principal Undergraduate Research Foundation". [ publish ] [ poster ]
Work on "Research on the Standby Mode Performance of Android System" as graduation project.
Research Assistant
Jun 2015 - Current
Mobile Group, Institute of Network Computing and Information Systems, Peking Univ.
Work on "Research on the Standby Mode Performance of Android System" as graduation project. [ short paper ] [ git project ]
Outstanding Graduation Thesis among grade 2011 undergraduate students[ link ]
Oct 2014
Best Poster of "Peking University Young Scientists Symposium on Informatics" [ link ]
Dec 2014
Creative Star of "The Night of Peking University Innovation" [ link ]
Oct 2014
Project Experience
Junior course "Software Engineering".
Team work with Chao Xin, Jing Cao, Lan Zhou, and Xudong Shan.
Take part in "the Second Peking University Creative Night" and win the first prize. [ link ] [ poster ]
Junior course "Lab. on Operating Systems".
Individual work.
Realize or optimize the light-weight operating system NachOS running virtually.
MIPS pipeline emulator
Junior course "Computer Architecture".
Team work with Shuai Yang and Yuan Huang.
Here is the detailed information in Shuai's website. [ link ]
Gain through comphehension in MIPS pipeline architecture and C++ programming.
Assembly five-in-a-row
Sophomore course "Microcomputer Experiments".
Individual work.
Implements visual five-in-a-row on DOS and intel 8253, 8255, 8259 chips using assembly.
Sophomore course "Practice of Data Structure and Algorithm".
Team work with Zhaoping Zhou and Zhuo Wang.
Implements a little database with the function of SQL phase resolving and data storage using C.
CMU Autolab
Sophomore course "Introduction to Computer Systems".
Individual work.
Contains 7 labs with the knowledge of bits operation, assembly, buffer, shell, virtual memory and web proxy.
Professional Skills
Android Programming
Linux Shell
Other techniques
Git/Tortoise SVN
Adobe Photoshop
Microsoft Word/Excel/Powerpoint/Visio
Contact Me
Institute of Network Computing and Information Systems